
Hebrews 13:16 - “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

For the past couple of years, I have been helping out with Shalom Media in various roles in Brisbane, Australia. Alongside the small things I do for Shalom, I am also in my third year of university as well as working part-time in my local parish as a youth minister.

How It All Started

I first got involved with Shalom at the beginning of 2018 at the urging of my parents. As Shalom World TV was launching its Australian channel, I volunteered with the Outreach Team going to various parishes and informing them about Shalom Media. Through this, I soon had the opportunity to travel to the US to participate in the inaugural Shalom Media Summit in June 2018 alongside many other youth from around the world. It was such an interesting and joyful time, and something I hadn’t experienced before. The speakers as well as the many volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes were on fire with the Spirit. Amazingly, these volunteers not only helped with organizing and running of the Summit but were also involved in Shalom Media in various other ways. We were so inspired by those who shared their story and how they were involved in this media ministry. As we all made our way home, we reflected on our own lives and tried to see in what ways we could offer up our time, resources, gifts and talents to let those around us know of God’s love in new and exciting ways.

Back to Home

I came back to Australia wondering what else I could do to offer up my skills and talents that were given to me by God. I didn’t have to look too far to find out that volunteers were appreciated in all areas of this ministry! On top of doing outreach ministry, I have helped with interviewing priests, making a short video on World Youth Day, doing voiceovers for promos and even being part of a music video.

Venturing for volunteer work, we understood that we ought to put God first. After recognizing the wonderful gifts which God has bestowed upon us, as thanksgiving, we began to use them to glorify God and to bring others into relationship with Him. Initially when we began to think what we could offer, there were doubts in our minds like, “I can’t do this. This isn’t for me. I’m too busy. I don’t have the skills that are needed.” However, by placing our trust in His Divine Will for us and humbling ourselves before Him, we gave a resounding ‘YES’ to all that He has asked of us.

Toiling for Christ

Sometimes this can be a struggle for us. All we want to do is to throw the towel in and give up. We are all pushed for time; with studies to worry about, our families to provide for and the work we must do to get by. But none of that is a restriction to give back to God the time He has given us.

We can all do our part, no matter how small. God can use what we give and do incredible things with it! We don’t know how our actions can change lives all around the world. Our prayers, time and fnancial support takes Shalom Media one step further in bringing the Kingdom of God here on earth. I pray that we who know the love of God may offer ourselves as vessels for Him to transform lives all around the world.


Chrisma, who participated in SMS from Australia, now helps Shalom World doing voice-overs and hosting programs.

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