Since my first encounter with Shalom Media I felt “this is my home, these people are my family”. I had been waiting for a ministry that was a perfect fit with how the Lord wished to use me. Before my involvement with Shalom Media my life was quite busy. I couldn’t imagine that increased activity was feasible. Since I joined forces I’ve been able to do so much more despite my limitations. What started out as offering to interpret for the first Jesus Heals Program in Dallas ( English/Spanish ) has branched out into different areas. It became apparent from the beginning that the Holy Spirit is in charge of this ministry – he’s the boss and this resulted in my full surrender to whatever the Lord asked of me through Shalom. Whether communicating with churches to coordinate upcoming Jesus Heals programs, driving or flying to various cities in Texas to interpret for Shalom programs, offering intercessory prayers, assisting as people are being prayed over, offering daily Mass and daily Adoration for attendees, I feel like a fish that has been returned to the ocean.
Yes, there are times when after pushing through fatigue, juggling work, obligations and communications for the next Shalom event, that I can barely function. In these moments it becomes so apparent that the Holy Spirit is the one doing everything, taking care of every detail. It’s a most fulfilling sense to serve the Lord, undergoing inconveniences, knowing that He uses it all. This mission is about souls.
When I reach my destination for a Shalom event, whether driving or flying, I’m very grateful for having arrived. During ‘Jesus Heals’ or other programs when Father Roy or other Shalom priests are praying over the attendees, I experience Jesus healing their deepest wounds. Some shed tears, cry out or lie in the Spirit. It’s a powerful sacred time. In these moments I praise the Lord and tell him, “there’s no place I’d rather be than right here”. I then think how it was all worth it.
The anointing from prayers of all the intercessors on the ‘Jesus Heals’ Whatsapp group, supporting Jesus Heals and other programs, is greatly felt. People are deeply moved when they learn that over 100 Shalom people in different countries have been praying and fasting for them.
Participants call and share how they were moved and how their lives changed after a ‘Jesus Heals’ or other Shalom Media program. Some testimonies I’ve heard:
*** “I was a Sunday Catholic, sitting through Masses to fulfill my obligation. Since ‘Jesus Heals’ I only desire to serve Jesus, I’m on my knees at home praying all day and listening to Catholic Radio. I’m even praying the Rosary.”
*** “After ‘Jesus Heals’ my partner said that we are getting married or he’s moving out.”
*** “When Fr. Roy and all the Shalom people walked in, I felt like I was in the Bible, living the Bible in those times.”
*** “My 13 year old son said that he loved the priest and that now he gets it about the Mass.”
There are testimonies of physical healings shortly after a program and some many months later. There are testimonies of feeling a great sense of peace like never before and having burdens lifted.
This ministry is so blessed that even the general manager of a major Spanish language Catholic Radio Station reaches out to do a live interview when he hears about an upcoming ‘Jesus Heals’. I had only contacted him once to share about Shalom Media, ‘Jesus Heals’, and Fr. Roy. He has attended ‘Jesus Heals’ and during the interviews he raves about the ‘Jesus Heals’ Program and Fr. Roy, describing the experience as a “deep sacred silence”. The priests serving our Lord through Shalom Media are a reflection of how blessed and Holy Spirit-guided this ministry is.
Since volunteering for the Lord through Shalom Media, I’ve experienced tremendous healing of family members and greater blessings in my work. There is increased protection in all I do, 24/7. I praise the Lord and never tire of thanking him for having united me with such anointed priests. I’m grateful for all my loving brothers and sisters in Christ who joyfully serve Jesus through this amazing ministry.
I love you Jesus,
I praise you Jesus,
I adore you Jesus.
God bless all of you!