
My name is Katie Ascough and I host the ‘Found’ series and ‘SW News’ on Shalom World. Working with Shalom since September 2020 has been a blessed experience. In the Shalom family of staff and volunteers, you encounter some of the most dedicated people to the Catholic faith. They pray for each other, support each other, and are truly and personally committed to following Christ and helping our brothers and sisters do the same. With such a solid team, the impact Shalom can have is truly significant.

The vision behind the series ‘Found’ is simple: speaking one-on-one with Catholics, particularly those who have international influence, and bringing to light their conversion stories and experiences of walking with Christ. We all have so much to learn from each other and ‘Found’ creates an opportunity for just that – building each other up through the power of our testimonies and inspiring each other with ways to fully follow Christ.

In ‘Found,’ we speak with leaders of pro-life ministries like Lila Rose, Rebecca Gosper, and Brendan Malone; well-known Catholic authors like Kimberly Hahn, Jason Evert, and Trent horn; and leaders of successful Catholic ministries like JM Boyd from Tilma, Leah Darrow from Lux, and Nathanial Binversie from Exodus 90.

Our guests are truthful and vulnerable about the ups and downs of their journeys — some of them have been to very dark places, even contemplating suicide. We hear stories of relationships falling apart and spouses finally meeting each other, both dramatic and more simple stories of conversion to Christ, and, most importantly, inspiration on how our guests keep up their prayer lives, live out mission, and often balance busy schedules, large families, and lives fully devoted to Him.

The other show I have the pleasure of working with Shalom World is ‘SW News’. We who plan, host, and edit the news aim to produce professional, fact-based news from a Catholic perspective.

My role as a news host is to finalise scripts and present the news, alongside the other SW News hosts. Every now and then, a news story jumps out at me and speaks to my heart: for example, when my country, Ireland, came up in a news bulletin I was presenting and I got to share with viewers how our bishops were fighting for our constitutional right to worship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Or when I reported on the attempted shooting of the bishop-elect of the diocese of Rumbek in South Sudan, Fr Christian Carlassare, and got to share that he was recovering well and looking forward to “returning to his flock”.

Then, of course, there are the more solemn topics we report on, like the ongoing conflict and loss of life in Myanmar, the recurring abductions and killings of faithful in Nigeria, and other types of Christian persecution and humanitarian crises around the world. Whether it’s reporting on something positive like the initiatives of faithful Catholic and pro-life leaders, or the tragic suffering of our brothers and sisters, I am honoured to be part of the SW News team in bringing these important topics, from which conversation and even action can be sparked, to the attention of a global audience.

Ultimately, Shalom World brings the Good News to millions of people’s homes. Through relatable and inspiring content, we are helping to build up the faithful and to reach out to new people with the Gospel.

Please pray for us at Shalom and for our mission. God bless you!


Katie Ascough is an award-winning journalist and human rights campaigner. Keen to spread the Good News through the media, Katie is a familiar face for Shalom World viewers as the host of SW News and the ‘Found’ series. Visit: and