
We see ‘God’s Own Channel’ in the logo of Shalom World; this motto is much more meaningful than a simple proclamation. Aren’t other evangelistic ministries God’s own too? Many may question why Shalom World took on this tagline; many may wonder if this means that the others do not belong to God. Why is it then that Shalom World is called ‘God’s Own Channel’? A tagline like this is not merely for the sake of beauty or to enhance the appeal but, because it is truly God’s own.

First, by accepting this tagline, we proclaim that Shalom World is not ours, but the Lord’s. Second, Shalom World did not come from an idea born in the mind of a human being nor was it planned by a few people who wanted to start a television channel; instead, God told a community that did not have the courage to think or dream about a channel to do so.

One day, much long before the launch of Shalom TV in India, I heard the voice of the Lord while praying in a Perpetual Adoration Chapel: “Start a television channel for me.” I thought, then, that it would not be easy to succeed in such a venture without great financial cost. I was reminded of many who tried and failed because of the lack of resources and income. The Lord immediately revealed a solution to this problem: “Aren’t there at least 50,000 people in Kerala who can give me ₹100 a month?” Hearing this voice of God made things seem so much simpler. Then I asked the Lord: “Wouldn’t it take many people with experience, ability and expertise in this field to make this work?” The Lord said, “I will gather them together in due time.” This was the beginning of Shalom TV. No one asked, prayed for, or planned for a TV channel. We were instructed from heaven to start a channel for Him; we complied. Human effort and planning did not build the foundation; the origin of this channel is purely the work of God.

In India, Shalom TV needs approximately ₹7.5 million a month to operate. For over twenty years now, the channel has been moving forward without a hitch. If we raise funds, for how long can we continue to do this? This is absolutely impossible if the Holy Spirit of God does not inspire human hearts; this channel exists only because God works. This is what we mean by saying we are ‘God’s Own Channel.’ From every aspect, this channel belongs to God; therefore, it is the owner, God, who makes the decisions concerning this channel. If it belongs to God, then God’s will must be done, the final decision must be His.

In the early days of Shalom World TV, many people were sceptical about who would watch religious programs but, we broadcasted the programs that God revealed to us without thinking about what others would say. By following His word and will, the channel saw growth that transcends commercial channels.

We started the channel in America. There is one fact that must always be remembered: if we try to imitate other channels or build programs according to intelligence and logic, we are likely to fail. If Shalom World is to remain God’s own, then we must become seekers of God’s will in all things. The world does not have to understand the will of God, it may not make sense from a worldly perspective and sometimes, it may not even seem right to our intellect.

A good example of this is when we began the television services in McAllen. We know that everything would have worked in our favour if we could establish ourselves in larger cities in the United States but when the Lord called Shalom World to McAllen, we did just that. We did not look at success or failure, we clung to what God asked of us. We were certain that God’s own ministry would only flourish in a place chosen by HIM. Whether or not it was a favorable environment for a media ministry to grow was not something we worried about at all. When we think logically, this was a foolish decision. Only those who are willing to be fools for the Lord can turn this channel and this ministry into a blessing for this troubled world.

The beginning of Shalom TV in India was no different; many were surprised to hear that the channel would be launched in a remote village in Kerala, miles away from the main city. Many people with knowledge in this field tried, in good faith, to dissuade us. Who will come to this place, close to the forest, for any kind of service? When we consulted and prayed to the Lord, whether we would succeed or not was secondary; our main focus was to know the will of God. We were not worried about anything else. Today, we know that in obeying God and in being fools for the Lord has brought about great miracles.

We must cultivate the attitude of seeking the will of God in our personal and ministerial lives. Profit, loss, achievement or misfortune should not be a priority - the goal of life should be to fulfil the will of God. When we fulfil God’s will, stress is avoided, mistakes aren’t made, and the future is secure. A Christian is not called to do good deeds but, to do the will of God. No matter how great and good a person’s deeds are, God is pleased when we fulfil His will in us. If we are able to wait patiently for His time, and dedicate ourselves to His will, He will allow us to see great miracles in the days to come.


Founder & Chairman, Shalom Media