Over the past five years I have interviewed priests and deacons, Bishops, Cardinals, Psychologists, doctors, seminarians, even an atheist and many (mostly) common lay Catholics like you and I.
Well, we all have different stations in life, but at a pivotal point in our lives, we’ve expressed a common prayer. At this point of conversion or crisis or confusion, we’ve experienced it: Is it a flip of a coin? No! Do we consult “Urim and Thummim” as in the novel The Alchemist – No Way! Does it matter? Absolutely! Where do we turn for the answer to our life decisions? What do we do? Surrender!
We’ve been there, on our knees, crying, screaming, with an unheard voice from our very soul.
“God what do you want of me; tell me and I will do it“
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spoken to folks that have actually said (should I say cried) this prayer out loud. Guess what? God’s listening!
For the past few months, I’ve been working with Shalom World and what an experience it has been! St. Teresa said do small things with great love; Shalom World has folks from around the world working in “our” small way to give glory to God. The production is top notch and the post-production is second to none but most of all, the people here are prayerful and doing what God is calling them to do, as if it is a gift to the Lord, and I think it is.
On the Program 100Fold, I have the chance to interview founders and key people of Catholic apostolates, who are making profound influence on our world. All of them – yes, all of them – are just like you and I, regular lay Catholics! God had great plans for them, but they did not know it. Do you ever feel like that?
God has a great plan for you, and for me, we just need to say yes. The kind of “yes” that Abraham made, the kind of “yes” that Mary proclaimed; both of these people said yes, blindly, but full of trust in God‘s plan, in God‘s providence, and God‘s love for them.
During our first interview on 100Fold, I asked our guests, a married couple, for advice. That is what we do, ask those who have made the journey of life and learn from their great and profound wisdom and eloquence. I asked her, if a person is feeling called or pulled to service in a profoundly changing way, how do we know it is coming from God… She said, very simply, “if you are struggling with what seems to be a call to service of the Church, where do you think the call is coming from? It’s from Christ! Listen, and accept the joy the Christ has set out just for you.”
I hope you all can join me as we chat with these great men and women who have said “yes” to God, followed His will, somewhat blindly, but fully, trustfully and as a result, done great things for the Body of Christ. Oh, and there is one more thing that is common amongst all of them. After all the hardship, and suffering even poverty that this “yes” brought, I ask each if they regret that faithful “yes.” You know the answer but, you need to hear it from them.
May Lord bless you, your family and your work, God’s work!