
Pope Benedict XVI, in his reflections on Saint Romanus the Melodist, a theologian, poet and composer who lived in AD 490, speaks of how the creativity and innovation of each generation goes hand in hand with the traditions of the past. “Creativity, innovation, a new song, a new culture and the presence of the entire cultural heritage are not mutually exclusive but form one reality: they are the presence of God’s beauty and the joy of being his children.” ‘Giving the best of yourself’ is a phrase Pope Francis repeatedly uses in his addresses to young people, inviting them to “not be content with a draw in life”. This is very much in sync with the age-old Jesus Youth call to ‘Give Him the best of ourselves’ knowing that we have received everything from Him as a free gift. Excelling in our own unique competences, talents and charisms has always been part of the life of Jesus Youth. This in turn has given birth to numerous initiatives and ministries.

Beginning with the Rex Band, Jesus Youth music bands came to be the face of the movement internationally. Jesus Youth was one of the early movements to make video albums and productions in the early nineties itself and also one of the first movements in the Catholic Church in Asia to start a virtual networking platform ‘Joynet’. But today we need a stronger evangelistic presence on the internet and social media, for this is the world that draws and holds millions of young people from around the world. This is where the partnership between Shalom World and Jesus Youth will make a huge difference.

A Bond to Share the Gospel

“Though it is the smallest of seeds, yet when it grows it becomes the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that birds come and perch in its branches”. (Matthew 13:31-32). God planted two smallest of seeds - Jesus Youth and Shalom in the little state of Kerala in India in the 80s which have now grown into large trees spreading their branches, giving the cool shade of the gospel to thousands of souls around the world. Shalom and Jesus Youth have always had a beautiful relationship – sharing our manpower and with Shalom being a regular platform for airing key Jesus Youth programs. The formal media partnership we have now entered into is a very important step in joining hands to share the values of the gospel using a language relevant to young people.

For many young people, music has been a crucial factor in connecting to faith or encountering Jesus. Often the experience of Christian music overrides many of the initial apprehensions and doubts that young people hold within themselves. Today a vast number of young Christians testify to the importance of music in their initial faith experience. Several Jesus Youth bands have been doing programs for Shalom TV suited to the different needs of youth ministry, ranging from worship, praise, concerts and celebrations to deep contemplation and adoration.

The recent series on Jesus Youth Fulltimership, ‘God’s Crazy People,’ is one of the first fruits of this media partnership. We are receiving a lot of positive feedback and responses from around the world about this program. We hope and pray that this will challenge many more young people to set apart their God-given time and talents to serve in the vineyard of the Lord. We look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership that will help carry the gospel in a most beautiful way to millions of hearts around the world.


Manoj is a pioneer of youth formation globally; he is the International Director for Formation for Jesus Youth and a strong advocate for ‘God’s Crazy People’ on Earth.