
Bearing the image and likeness of God, humanity longs to be elevated beyond our ‘normal’ state to experience something transcendent. This desire is corrupted whenever it leads to a prideful, selfish, self-determined grasping for greatness. Instead, we believe as Christians, that the only way to be powerful is to be weak, the way to the high place is to choose the low place first, to lead is to serve, to live is to first die. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we follow His example of greatness, which begins with the most radical act of humility possible; the incarnation.

St. Paul reminds us in Philippians 2:6-11, Jesus Christ is the glory of God the Father. Did you catch that? The glory we desire, the fulfillment we crave can only come from humble obedience to and faith in the lordship of Jesus Christ. As we receive our new identities as daughters and sons of God, the foretaste of glory is experienced through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and we can live with Jesus, ‘the hope of glory’. Each of our guests for G2G believes this message and has experienced it in their lives, and it’s been my great honor to talk with them about it.

The power of the G2G episodes resides in the personal witness of very accomplished individuals who believe with utter conviction that their lives belong to Jesus. His presence in their lives has allowed them to produce, achieve, and do tremendous things; it’s all a gift from God. The world needs to hear from people who are humanly impressive, but aren’t impressed with themselves. The world needs to encounter leaders who are driven to see the world changed, but understand it starts with them cooperating with God’s plan for their life. The guests of G2G are living as disciples of Jesus Christ first and allowing everything else to follow from that reality.

Whether that’s Robert Hernandez and Michael Joens engaging the next generation with dynamic animation or Judge Thomas Donnelly administering justice; all the G2G guests speak about the difference Christ has made in their lives. It’s been incredibly inspiring for me to hear their stories especially the moments when they encountered Jesus and decided to live for Him. I mean, can you imagine receiving the Eucharist as the sun appears over the edge of the Earth, while you are in orbit? Thomas Jones can, and I’ll never forget hearing him explain how that miraculous moment came to be. Because of the vision of Shalom World, G2G has the potential to inspire the viewers to dream with the Lord, to wonder at His plan for their lives, and to humbly ask for the grace to say “YES” to His call.

Shalom World is creating a pathway for people to encounter the truth of the Gospel, not just in, often, sterile or dry textbooks, but on the vibrant screen in the words of real people. St. Irenaeus said the glory of God is man fully alive, so let’s all commit to put our whole lives under the lordship of Christ and thereby give Glory to God. Shalom World’s G2G is responding to God’s call, will you?


A well-known speaker on discipleship, evangelization and topics related to young adults, Pete Burak hosts the show Glory to God on Shalom World that features dynamic Catholics who have got a foretaste of real glory by following Christ. Visit: