
Dr. Zubin Paul, Kerala, India

Online retreats were a leap in faith for me. I have been giving full five day live retreats over the years which covered almost all that was needed to give a comprehensive spiritual encounter and growth. When I started doing retreats overseas the format was reduced to three days with not as many hours each day since people just didn’t have the time. I wondered then whether it was enough since there were many things which we deleted from the five day format for want of time. Those participating however seemed to encounter the Lord deeply with genuine conversion in spite of my perceiving it incomplete. So when Shalom proposed online retreats of just 2-3 hours each day for two to three days I wondered how this would impact people.

I had little faith in the fruitfulness of the efforts going to be put in. I thought it is too little an input to make any impact on souls. The first online retreat was therefore done not with confidence but with a pessimistic mind-set. I was pleasantly shocked and surprised at the impact it made. Many such retreats therefore, followed all with a similar result of anointing and conversions. I understood that the Lord was doing His wonders among His children and it had little to do with us who ministered. He just wanted willing vessels to convey His grace. The experience when this was done through Shalom ministries was unique as has been my experience over the years. This online format was no different. This I surmise is because we are surrounded by individuals who are driven by passion, sacrifice and love for the Lord and His kingdom. There always is quality in whatever is done. And God rewards such giving with His anointing which He shares with the team who ministers even as He does so to those being ministered to. It is fulfilling to see the fruit which the Lord miraculously creates in their lives and ours as well each time. May the Lord who works these wonders through this ministry be praised.


Dr. Zubin Paul, India

A surgeon by profession and the managing director of a hospital in south India, Dr Zubin Paul Jacob is a gifted preacher who hosts Shalom World’s popular 9PM Talk show ‘Unshaken’ ( He is closely associated with Shalom ministries over a decade

Rachel Atumisi, Edmonton, Canada

In June 2017, I was invited to attend Shalom Retreat. I had never heard of this ministry despite being involved in charismatic renewal for the last 15 years. During the Eucharistic Adoration, I felt a burden coming out of me – it came out through a loud cry – I was sweating and shaking. I was relieved when it was done, and realized that the Lord had healed me from all the wounds and burdens I had been carrying. I am now a part of Shalom ministry and enjoying the fruit of my healing.


by Rachel Atumisi, Edmonton, Canada

Elizabeth Crisostomo, Texas, USA

Shalom Retreats are twice a blessing:

1. I am able to be in the presence of Jesus and a community to hear the Word of God

2. It brings fellowship to my home during these difficult times of the pandemic

The retreat was beautifully coordinated via Zoom and that made for a smooth delivery and powerful experience. I loved the songs chosen and topics preached; the music and pastoral ministry were a perfect fit.

Shalom retreats are unique and powerful because they are always prepared and truly focus on an agenda designed to feed and nourish the soul, hear and study the Word of God and give reverence, honor and glory to God. Every time I attend a Shalom retreat, I walk away with humility and gratefulness. The experience is truly authentic and spiritual.


by Elizabeth Crisostomo, Texas, USA