
Despite my skeptical mind, something incredible happened after the broadcast of my video and that encouraged me to keep sharing.

From the beginning

I started at a very rough place and where I am today is only because of the intercession of Mother Mary. My son’s addiction was a very difficult time for me. When Shalom World reached out asking for me to share my story on how the Lord intervened, how Our Lady was beside me and how it can help many others, I was not ready to share these private and intimate moments of my life. I needed some time to discern, I needed to know that this is exactly what the Lord wants of me; I was asking for a sign and He gave me one!

Two weeks later, on a beautiful and sunny August morning, as soon as I woke up, I had an incredible moment of grace – the Holy Spirit was touching my soul. I could feel the Lord telling me to do this segment, to give testimony to honor His Mother and to give ‘HOPE.’ This word was burning, etched into my heart; all I could see at that moment was these four letters – HOPE! There was a certainty at that moment – the recording that I was going to do would give hope to others; that was the purpose. I answered my call with a big “YES” and knew in my heart that this would help someone in their time of need.

As I Held on to HOPE

After the recording was made public, I received the link to the program on January 1. Would you believe the coincidence? It was the same day as the feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. That was just another confirmation from above, an assurance that I was on the right path.

Within a few days, I noticed, as I was coming back to the sacristy, a friend I hadn’t met in a long time. After Mass, she waved and came up to me and said “Thank you for sharing your testimony. It gave me so much hope!” There it was; the word that the Lord had placed in my heart to encourage me to share my testimony. While I stood there stunned, she hugged me and we both started tearing up. This was the Spirit of the Lord moving in us.

The Lord confirmed to me that sharing my personal moments with the Lord and with the rest of the world has a greater impact than I will ever know. I kept thinking about how the Lord connects all of us through Shalom Media because of what my friend continued to say. She said she watched my testimony because she needed something to cheer her up when she couldn’t sleep. It came to her through another friend and because it was so powerful, she shared it with her mother. They talked and even prayed the Rosary together. She said she had an outpouring of emotions which she hadn’t felt in a long time; it was release of so many things to allow hope to fill her heart!

Keep on Generating HOPE

The one thing I learned through this journey is that the Lord works in amazing ways! He keeps confirming that testimonies are important; something I was so scared and ashamed to share with the world becomes the reason for someone else to find hope. God will use us for His greater glory, we just need to allow Him. An experience this profound is meant to be shared with the World so that we can honor Him, His mercy, His Mother and the Holy Spirit. My call from the Lord is to keep generating hope.

With Mary, the Mother of the Church beside me, I hope to bring more souls to Christ. Let us persevere in our faith knowing that the Lord is in control!

This network of strength allows us to use our experience for the greater Glory of God. Even if we think that it is not worth sharing, someone, somewhere will find comfort and know that God is with them in times of trouble. This ministry brings glory to God through every act, through every program and every prayer. Come forward and share your testimonies with us for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.


Maria has a strong devotion to Our Lady and has prayed the Rosary on SW Prayer channel. She continues to be a strong advocate for Shalom Media and all of its endeavors. Visit:, and watch her inspiring testimony.