
Many people wonder how the world could be a better place and the answer is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer because He is our God. In the Blessed Mother‘s simple school of faith, Our Lady always calls us to pray. Many will wonder and ask, “Why pray”? We pray because God can solve all of our problems and it is not hard for Him. He gives us a free will. With our will, we can choose to love God or make a mess. Prayer is an expression of love for God. When we choose to pray out of love, God, being so amazing even helps us clean up the mess that we have made.

I am so happy that Shalom World Prayer Channel is leading people to pray. It has been a privilege and a blessing to be part of Shalom’s prayer team. SW Prayer is very important because much of the media in the world gives the message that more materialism is the answer to everything in the world today. In reality, we see many people who even have an abundance of material goods, can often feel empty inside. Materialism cannot be the answer to the deepest longing of the human heart. When we look beyond the distractions of all the materialism and noise in the world, we realize that, to enjoy the fullness of life and obtain peace, we must return to God. Prayer is key to our relationship with God.

Each Thursday, I have the opportunity to lead the Divine Mercy Chaplet during the three O’clock hour. I am a Chemical Engineer by profession. After experiencing a conversion during a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, I have rediscovered the importance of a prayer life. Today, I do some engineering work, as well as help set up pilgrimages and conferences that will help usher in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart in the world.

In the depths of my heart, I think Our lady wants me to prioritize the prayer with Shalom world. At times, even when I traveled to Mexico and Spain, it seems that the Lord provided an internet connection and the time available to pray the chaplet.

I am glad that Shalom World Prayer channel encourages us to pray the Chaplet slow and with the heart. When I lead the prayer during the three O’clock hour for Shalom World, I become aware of the presence of Our Heavenly Father. During each decade of the chaplet, I imagine that I am presenting a wound that Jesus had when He paid the price for our sins. As I present Jesus’ wound as the most valuable thing in the world, I offer the wound to our Heavenly Father and say, “Look what Jesus did! For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” I sense that Heavenly Father smiles and showers more mercy upon the world. What a gift!

Shalom World Prayer channel keeps promoting prayer because it gives hope to the world!


No matter in which corner of the world he is, Guy Murphy makes sure to lead the Chaplet of Divine Mercy without fail at 3 pm every Thursday on SW Prayer channel. The blessings of Our Lord enable this chemical engineer by profession to lead the chaplet without hurdles from any part of the globe