
An instrument chosen by the Lord’s amazing grace

Psalms 77:15 “You are the God who does wonders”

Jesus chose me to be one of His instruments to share the Good News through God’s own channel Shalom World , although I am unworthy. Although I had no idea how a television channel works or a program is produced, I was assigned the task of finding suitable program resources in Canada. I was convinced Shalom is a media ministry led by the Holy Spirit and I was glad to be part of it. When Shalom World TV was launched, I was curious to learn in spite of the fact that I was much older than other volunteers. My happiest moments are spending time with children, becoming one among them, playing, telling stories and sharing the faith. Testimonies of faith in action by many from Shalom Media truly inspired me. Jesus invited me to commit more of my time and talent for Shalom World . Attending Shalom events like Victory and Unite empowered me and magnified my desire to work for the Lord through this media ministry.

At a time when there were hardly any contacts for program resources, I turned to the Bible and was comforted by Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear I am with you; do not be anxious, I am your God. I will strengthen you”. When I surrendered to His will through the Blessed Mother, Jesus gave me my first lesson, which was to seek the help of the Holy Spirit. Inspired by that lesson, I started afresh to find leads with the support of my husband and other volunteers.

I always carried with me media evangelization tools such as Shalom Tidings and flyers. I did my homework watching the Shalom World website and programs to equip myself so as to convince the people I speak to. Our USA leadership team shared program dynamics, tips to search for resources and how to guide them as per our program drafts.

Gradually, the Holy Spirit led me to those who would welcome this new vibrant Catholic channel. This opened the way to meet them in person to share inspiring stories on the humble start and marvelous growth of Shalom Ministry in India; how Shalom World was launched in the USA with a vision to bring the Good News to the ends of the world. These points fascinated many. Through visits to parishes, dioceses, and prayer groups, we got new contacts. I am a teacher by profession and passion, and I find great happiness in sharing my subject knowledge and faith. Later, the Lord used me to share His Good News in Catechism classes and small Bible study groups. He was training me for His greater plan. The Holy Spirit led me to many deeply faithful resources, who started influencing my life by their witnesses as true disciples of Jesus.

As it is said in Habakkuk 1:5 “Be utterly amazed! For a work is being done in your days that you would not believe, were it told”, the Lord leads us to great resources and amazing programs. As a team, we could record many good quality programs from different parts of Canada. He brought His chosen persons to the production team. Through online search, referrals and communication, God revealed to me many Canadian resources such as Chris Bray, Patrick Sullivan and Carissa Douglas who heard God’s call and responded positively. They live with spouses and many God-given children, they gave up their good-paying jobs to serve the Lord, trusting in His Divine Providence. Their simplicity, humility, adaptability, faith testimony and missionary zeal touched me. I have not done much for God’s Kingdom compared to them. This led me to repent for my lost years and offer Jesus my best in the remaining life.

Jesus revealed another amazing resource Lui Vescio. We noticed this young handsome man sitting before the Blessed Sacrament in our church like a child. Seeing him, I felt Jesus telling me, “Here is one who is close to my heart, talk to him.” When I shared the details of Shalom World and a copy of Tidings, he was happy to know about this new channel. When we asked him if he could share his faith on TV, he thanked us and requested some time to pray and discern. We kept him in our prayer and a week later, he invited us to his office. During the tête-à-tête, he opened up and talked about his sinful past. He revealed how God’s amazing grace and his wife’s forgiveness saved his soul. He expressed his willingness to share his story through Shalom World . Some of our inhouse programs featuring Vescio and wife, Rose Vescio, may touch souls to bring them back to Jesus. While recording programs in their home, I noticed how he is striving hard to live a life most pleasing to God and leading his family in the same path. Their living room is a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament and each room and the backyard are adorned with holy statues. The soothing Gregorian chants that were being played softly elevated my soul to a divine experience. His humility and hospitality truly touched me. Through him and many such resources, the Lord was showing me how I can strive to be like God’s image which is our mission. His patient beautiful wife taught me, by her humble sharing, how to forgive unconditionally, and how it can bring a sinner to sanctity.

Most recently, God’s amazing grace led me to another special resource person Dr Andrew Simone and his wife, Joan. This medical doctor from Harvard University gave up all his comforts to serve the poor and needy. He was instrumental in starting Canadian Food for Children (CFFC) years ago that ships tons of food and essential things to many poor children around the world. They lived a very worldly life until they knew Jesus on a personal level. The couple has 13 children, including an adopted son. It was the example of St. Joseph, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Mother Teresa that influenced them to lead a life as per the will of God by keeping just the bare minimum and donating the rest of their income for the poor children. Although they have serious health issues and are undergoing treatment, their faces radiate the joy of their hope in the eternal everlasting life. They touched my heart and Jesus showed me through them how I can live a much simpler life if I desire to serve Him. Knowing them and interacting with them for our program “Into the Light” transformed my life for good in many ways. They taught me how to focus more on the eternal glorious life, detaching from the momentary pleasures of this world and use all possible opportunities to help the poor and needy, seeing Jesus in each one of them.

I was so blessed to interact with many other inspiring resources, including bishops, priests and faithful, from Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and other provinces who uplifted me spiritually. Although I have never travelled to Vancouver, Jesus even connected me with one of His chosen instruments there, who, guided by the Holy Spirit, found many resources to start our new production work. Let me conclude quoting Ephesians 3:20-21. “Now to him who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen”.


With the right mix of fidelity and dedication, Alphonsa has been associated with Shalom World since its inception and diligently serves on the Board of Directors of Shalom Media Canada.

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