
Ruth Stephen

My name is Ruth Stephen and I am the eldest of four children. We have been watching SW Pals since Christmas last year. We heard about it from a commercial on Shalom World Europe Channel. The programs on SW Pals are interesting, hilarious, and Biblical. We really enjoy them. My favorite program is "Pattern of Evidence-Young Explorers" because it shows scientific evidence behind the story of Exodus. Seeing the historical evidence of Exodus and seeing young people in it made me enthusiastic and fascinated about how the Exodus was a real historic event, not just a fairy tale. As a teenager, this program really caught my attention and I think many other teenagers would watch this, too.

My nine-year-old brother’s favorite program is “Jovis Bon Hovis” because he thinks Jovis is hilarious. My four-year-old sister likes Gizmo in “Superbook” and “Katie and Koco” (she likes the tongue twisters). We sometimes mention SW Pals to our friends, and they seem quite interested to watch it. SW Pals has expanded our Biblical knowledge and we would like to learn more. We are looking forward to more interesting and faith-filled programs from SW Pals .

Ancy Stephen

As a parent, I would certainly attest to the comments of my children about SW Pals . They eagerly look forward to watching these programs. Even more interesting is the discussion that follows at the dining table. Our children have free time in the evening as they are being homeschooled and they watch these faith-filled programs instead of some secular meaningless stuff.

The content is enriching and certainly, from a parent’s perspective, I feel happy when they watch a Biblical/spiritual show rather than secular programs. Their behavior and attitude towards their siblings and parents are visibly more God-oriented which could easily be hostile because of violent and vulgar content in the mainstream media. They could also be easily manipulated into the godless culture if their exposure is towards such types of media. I know the media is powerful and it has the ability to create strong convictions in young minds.

We love watching SW Movies as a family. Some of our favorite ones are “Stand Strong”, “Big Fix” and “We Three Kings”. We happened to watch “Theo the Theologian” and I was quite impressed with the animated presentation of difficult theological points. We would like to see more programs on the Blessed Virgin Mary, kids’ catechesis, virtues and more programs for teenagers.

I sincerely hope SW Pals continues to create more Catholic content with a strong influence on virtue building and family-oriented programs focused on bringing the children closer to Jesus and His Church.


Ruth Stephen and her three siblings enjoy watching the programs on SW Pals and invite their friends to watch the channel. SW Pals has made the Bible and matters related to faith exciting for this wonderful family.

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