
After the Shalom Festival in Malaysia in 2017, there was a small gathering at the Singapore office. The meeting was aimed at prayerfully discerning the future course of action. In that gathering, a woman who had migrated from China to Singapore shared her God experience. She narrated how she first experienced the presence of Jesus and later became associated with underground churches to pray and to nourish her faith. She concluded her testimony asking when would Shalom World come to Asia.

Shalom is a spiritual apostolate that germinated in Asia and took roots in North America, Europe and Australia. Now, Shalom is journeying back to Asia once again on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation, with Shalom World Asia-Africa . Pope St John Paul II once said that in the third millennium, the Church will be vibrant and flourishing in Asia and Africa. One can gauge the magnitude of our mission from the fact that these two continents are home to two-thirds of the world population and a good number of people are yet to hear of Christ and His Good News. The continent where the Savior was born still has millions who have not heard the Gospel.

It was Mary who first heard the Good News during the Annunciation. God gave us the grace to hear the good tidings that were first heard by the Blessed Virgin. Now, it is our responsibility to share the Good News with many others. Multitudes thirst for God in Asia and Africa, which are also home to various faiths. The mandate of Shalom World Asian channel is to tell the masses that the God that they are searching for is none other than Jesus Himself. They need to be told that the true God is not one who instills fear, pronounces judgments and withholds redemption. Instead, the God they seek is Christ who loves them and gives them salvation. He is the living God. Now, we are preparing to proclaim the same Good News announced by the Archangel Gabriel to Mary. Therefore, pray and share and the Lord will do the rest for sure.



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