
I watched the premiere of “Glorious Lives - Angelena Lyaka.” It is a wonderful work on the life of a teen martyr. This was much needed for Africa. Thank God. Thanks to Shalom Media for coming to our continent. ( ‘Glorious Lives’ is a documentary series of Shalom World that showcases the lives of people who led exemplary lives following God and have left a legacy.)

In the year 2000, I met Fr Mathew Chaveli MSFS, one of the pioneering missionaries belonging to the Missionaries of St. Francis De Sales (MSFS) congregation in Uganda. He told me that while visiting one of the nearby parishes, he was told about Angelena Lyaka, known as the Maria Goretti of Uganda. As he reached the tomb in the parish compound, he felt sorry that it was almost abandoned and not cared for. In his heart, he prayed that if the parish is given to MSFS missionaries, he will do all that he can to make the heroic life of Angelena known everywhere and increase devotion to her. After a few months of that silent prayer, the Archdiocese of Tororro requested MSFS priests to take up that parish as well. One of the first things that were done by the MSFS missionaries was to construct a proper tomb for Angelena and create awareness among the present generation Catholics about her heroic virtues.

As I was watching the show, I remembered the words of Fr. Mathew. God was answering his prayers through Shalom World TV, taking the glorious story of Angelena to the international Catholic fraternity. Though Fr. Mathew was later transferred to Tanzania after some years, other missionaries who replaced him did their best to keep her memory alive.

When Shalom World crew was visiting Africa for the first time, it was an act of providence that they decided to turn their lens on the young martyr. If the memory of Angelena is not forgotten even after almost 100 years of her ‘martyrdom’, it is a clear sign that what is told and recorded is true. Indeed, her life was heroic and glorious.

Just as we thank God and appreciate the MSFS missionaries, we need to keep in mind the members of Angelena Youth Club. In fact, it is not just a youth club, but a family of young and old people, inspired by her saintly life. When I became associated with the production, I realized that the cast comprised not of hired actors, but the active members of the ‘Youth Club’ in the Agururu parish. They did whatever was needed on their part to make the endeavor a success.

Another group that surprised me was the Shalom World crew. Their teamwork was commendable. All the journeys to different missions were lit up by their Rosary prayers in our vehicle. Their trust in the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary is very strong. In all our travels, we were neither stopped by security personnel to check our vehicle nor faced any disturbance. Although they slept very late after the hectic work, they were up early to attend Holy Mass. They used to say, “Holy Mass gives us the energy and ideas to do media evangelization”.

In the initial planning, there were days for rest, but due to various opportunities and extra travels, they placed their comfort and rest on the backburner for the sake of the mission. Even on the day of returning from East Africa, there was a recording to be completed. Their passion for giving the best for the Lord is really inspiring. Indeed, they have the hearts of true missionaries. They became instrumental in the fulfilment of the prayer of Fr. Mathew MSFS.

I am sure the prayers that arise from this continent will be answered by God through the dedication and commitment of Shalom World TV. Let the message of the Gospel reach millions, especially in Africa, through Shalom World TV. Angelena Lyaka, pray for Shalom World media evangelization.


Harvesting souls for Jesus in the hinterlands of East Africa, Claretian missionary priest Fr. George leaves no stone unturned in seeking ways to help the Shalom Team during African mission visits.

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