
The need for contemporary and meaningful catholic literature for the imprisoned

The COVID-19 pandemic brought huge challenges to prison ministries, in particular those having direct and daily contact with prisoners, such as in my case as the Catholic Chaplain at Pleasant Valley State Prison (PVSP) in California, USA. While in-chapel services were suspended/limited, I was able to “gown up” and enter housing units (prison blocks), and make individual cell-front visits in order to care for the spiritual well being of the imprisoned men. As it can be imagined, there was always too much to do, too many places to visit, too many men to see, and only a limited amount of exposure time. The question was inevitable: How to supplement the lack of access to the chapel and its many volunteers? The answer to this question was a bit (sadly) underestimated: good quality Catholic literature.

As I sent dozens of emails requesting donations (our ministry operates entirely on donations as we do not have a budget), Shalom Tidings staff unexpectedly sent me an email kindly offering to donate their Catholic magazine. Two weeks later, I received a bundle of magazines totally free of charge that included shipping and handling. What a blessing! This magazine is now part of a “Catholic bundle” that I put together for distribution amongst the prisoners. It includes a daily devotional, daily readings, daily Mass, prayer guides and, of course, Shalom Tidings . “This is like having a little service in my cell,” said one of my prisoner parishioners.

Shalom Tidings offers readers meaningful articles in which they can think about their Catholic faith and traditions along with contemporary issues and needs. One article in particular, ‘How to Find a Good Spouse’ by Fr. Joseph Gill, offers key insights into a real question for the incarcerated men who think marriage is not for them due to their current circumstances in prison. I personally meet them and during our religious counseling sessions we talk about this subject. However, due to the pandemic restrictions, I cannot reach out to all the men who want and need guidance in the sacrament of marriage. Shalom Tidings offers that extension to the readers.

I have only words of gratitude to Shalom Tidings and those who donate the financial and logistical means to make such a donation possible and easy for me. Know that our ministry here at PVSP is praying for your efforts.

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Boundless Grace reaching behind bars: Peter shares the amazing ways the Spirit is moving in his prison dormitory through Shalom Tidings magazine.

Dear Shalom Media,

First, let me thank you all for the ‘Free Inmate Subscription’ I was so blessed to receive. That subscription, I can assure you, was such a tremendous blessing beyond what words could ever describe, not only to me but to the other inmates in my dormitory. They wait patiently in line, for me or the next man to finish reading, to read every word from cover to cover of each issue, several times! Some guys are not Catholic, and some have had bad instruction about our faith.

There have been several, what we call “enlightenments”, that took place. Some who were very reluctant to even hold the magazine, now are the ones who look forward to getting the next issue! This is the power of the Holy Spirit at work through all of you!

My subscription expired and I am writing to beg you for a renewal. That said, I will be praying that somehow, someway, I will be blessed with the good news from your side. In closing, I ask that you please pray for me in this place where I seek to do the will of our Father and that I have the strength to endure whatever God has in His plans for me- even if it requires martyrdom in doing the right thing always. Never losing my integrity like I did when I pled guilty to a crime that never happened.

My case is on its last “life-line” of appeal - when it’s over, I may be exonerated (I pray) or my conviction will stand, and I’ll die in this place if I am forced to live out the sentence I was given.

Please pray for me. I will be praying for you all too!

God Bless!

Your brother in Christ Jesus,



Iron bars and stone walls do not prevent Deacon Zamudio from bringing the Gospel and administering the sacraments to those in Pleasant Valley State Prison in California. The secret of this chaplain’s success is bundles of Shalom Tidings magazine that spread the peace and love of Christ among the incarcerated.

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