
Hello, my name is Danielle and I live, worship & work in the county of Essex in England.

In October, the month of the Holy Rosary, I was approached by a member of our parish community who shared with me the ministry of Shalom World . I was invited to participate in the online praying of the Holy Rosary through the Prayer Channel and asked for my details to be passed on to Shalom.

Within a few days I received my first contact from Rajesh who took the time to share with me the mission of Shalom World . He explained how the 24-hour live prayer event would be conducted and coordinated. Most importantly, he gave me encouragement and confidence to take part in it.

On November 13, at the exact time agreed, the call came through from the technician for the last test of our set-up and audio. With the technician’s final empowering words, I was live. As the time for prayer commenced and the Blessed Sacrament came into view, my nervousness and self-consciousness melted away. I was overcome with an inner peace and joy knowing that all of us praying were joined together in one heart, one mind and one spirit to adore the Lord and meditate on the mysteries of the life of Christ our Savior.

Since then, I am discovering more about the life and mission of Shalom World and their evangelizing outreach. Time is precious. The professional team at Shalom made this commitment simple with their technical expertise, reliability and impressive organization.

All who are baptized are commissioned by Christ to go spread the Good News and being part of Shalom is a wonderful way to be connected through the power of prayer and access their resources. Going forward I am looking to support Shalom in all means possible, including spreading the word within my parish community and those I meet as a member of the Legion of Mary apostolate.

Blessings to all who share in the Shalom World Ministry, which is a beacon of light that illuminates the pathway to God.


London-based Danielle’s twin passions are praying and evangelizing, and she ardently supports Shalom Media in more ways than one.

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