Shalom World now in Church’s springtime land!
Over the past few decades, the demographics of the Catholic Church has undergone a tectonic change. Bypassing nations in Europe, Latin America and North America that were once known as Christian hubs, both Asia and Africa have come to be recognized as the young and vibrant face of the Church. At this juncture, Providence has entrusted Shalom Media with the mission of bringing the Gospel to these continents where millions are yet to hear about Jesus. It has come to fruition with the launch of Shalom World Asia-Africa channel on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation.
Studies indicate that by 2025, Asia will be home to 460 million Christians while Africa already counts 500 million souls who have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. The fourth new channel of Shalom World will provide an impetus to the evangelization efforts in these two continents that are home to rich and diverse cultures and religions. Shalom Media is confident of success as it has been able to make a huge impact on the Church in North America, Australia and Europe through the media over the past seven years.
It was Tertullian, a second-century Church Father who rightly said, “the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church.” Have a glance at Africa and Asia to realize how true the statement is. The sheer number of believers who suffer torture, incarceration and even martyrdom for the sake of Christ in both Asia and Africa as well as the growth in the number of believers by leaps and bounds and the selfless example of countless missionaries make both continents all the more eligible to be called the hub of the Church in the near future.
Spreading the Good News in both continents is an uphill task as some nations are closed to the Gospel because they are Muslim-dominant while some others are led by totalitarian governments hostile to Christianity. Several others are still in the dark as they are in the grip of paganism. The sheer inadequacy in the number of missionaries to spread the faith and sustain the fledgling faith communities will no longer be an obstacle to evangelization with the advent of Shalom World Asia-Africa channel.
With its host of inspiring programs, including testimonies, prayers, and life-turning documentaries, Shalom World Asia-Africa can reach millions of homes in the two continents, throwing open the vista towards Salvation in Jesus. It can play a pivotal role in illuminating the lives of millions with the light of the Gospel in these two continents that are home to 75 per cent of the global population. What’s more, the channel can bring to the forefront news about the barbaric persecution and killings of missionaries and believers alike in Asian and African countries so much so that it creates a global impact to mitigate such atrocities.
It would be worth mentioning that this channel came into existence thanks to the prayers and strenuous efforts of all members of the Shalom Peace Fellowship.